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About the Event


Kink & Fetish: Introduction to Shibari Workshop

25 APRIL 2024

19:00 - 22:00



Learn the art of Japanese Rope Bondage!


We will start with a short introduction about the origins of shibari / kinbaku before we move on to the practical part. It explains a lot of techniques and clarifies why we do certain things in a certain way.


After the workshop you will have gained enough knowledge to experiment safely at home.


Shibari can be applied with different intentions. Some people experience it as meditative, soothing or protective. Others feel power, sensuality or eroticism. Multiple experiences can also take place at the same time.


Natsumi Scarlett is known for her theatrical, intense, and sensual shibari performances, inspired by the ancient form of Japanese rope tying, often intertwined with elements from nature.


Besides being an (international) performer she also teaches workshops and provides 1:1 sessions for those who would like to get tied and experience shibari in a safe and caring way.


Her ' Shibari Experience ' is often featured at different fetish- and kink events where you can visit her for a short introduction session and all your questions about shibari and kinbaku.



Welcome & Affirmations


Introduction to Shibari


The workshop consists of the following parts:

  • Discussing different materials for tying and their advantages and disadvantages.

  • Ensure physical, mental, and emotional safety during a session/game.

  • Learning two basic knots and frictions. As well as basic patterns that can be applied to both the upper and lower body (chest and leg).

  • How to strengthen and deepen the connection between you and your partner through different exercises.

During the workshop, I like to keep it open about what people are looking for. I see this as a safe space where, if desired, we can discuss openly and in a respectful manner what attracts
us, and what we want to learn and/or experience. All emotions and feelings are allowed. Feel free to switch roles when you're attending the workshop together with a partner if that’s what you both desire.


Let's connect and share with each other while enjoying some drinks and mingling!


Bringing your own ropes is of course allowed. Consider at least 3 pieces of 7.5 – 8 mtrs per rope.
If you don't have your own ropes, please let me know and I will provide you with enough rope to work with.

Comfortable, warm, and fitting. Consider an extra cardigan or sweater and a pair of warm socks, in case you get a little colder in between. Layers work best.

You can attend this workshop on your own but if you decide to come with a partner it doesn’t mean you have to be involved in a romantic relationship. Many people bring a good friend. More important is that you are both interested and feel comfortable with each other.



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